Transferring Real Estate to a Business in Michigan: Understanding Property Tax Uncapping
Transferring real estate to a business entity in Michigan can trigger property tax uncapping. Assessors are required to uncap property tax values for a change in beneficial use or a change in control of the property, but certain exemptions exist, such as transfers between commonly controlled entities. Business owners should carefully consider these implications to minimize potential tax liabilities before transferring real estate.

Michigan's Resident Agent Requirements for Businesses
Michigan law requires businesses to have a resident agent to receive legal documents and official mail, ensuring compliance with state regulations. The article by Thompson Legal outlines key aspects of resident agents in Michigan including their role, requirements, and resident agent options.

Understanding Garnishment Notices in Michigan: What Business Owners Need to Know
Whether it is garnishing an employee's paycheck or surrendering property held for a third party, receiving a Writ of Garnishment is a serious matter that requires immediate attention and compliance. In today's post, the business attorneys at Thompson Legal will discuss the different types of garnishments notices Michigan businesses may receive and the obligations they entail.

An Introduction to Succession Planning for Michigan Business Owners
Understanding the options available for transitioning ownership is essential for making informed decisions and securing the future of your company. In this post, the business lawyers of Thompson Legal will explore the legal options for transitioning ownership and the key considerations during business succession.

The 5 Must-Have Contract Terms for Your Business
A well-crafted contract is the foundation of a successful and solid partnership. In this article, the contract lawyers of Thompson Legal delve into the five most crucial contract terms that every Michigan business should prioritize for legal protection as you scale.

A Business Owner’s Guide to Intellectual Property Protection in Michigan
The business law attorneys at Thompson Legal will explore the different aspects of intellectual property affecting Michigan businesses. Learn how to navigate the legal landscape, protect your IP, and how working with an experienced business attorney at Thompson Legal can help ensure the protection of your valuable assets.

Disputes Among Shareholders in Closely Held Organizations
The high amount of sentimental and financial investment involved in shareholder disputes means that they often rise to a legal level. This article by the business lawyers of Thompson Legal explores the common legal claims of business owners in shareholder disputes, as well as highlight key insights and strategies for navigating such business conflicts.

MCL 450.4709 and Michigan's Business Entity Conversion Requirements
As time progresses, businesses are more likely than ever to move from one state to another. Converting your business allows you to become organized under a new state or legal structure all while maintaining compliance post transfer. This post will explore the ins and outs of this process outlined in MCL 450.4709 and provide a roadmap for a seamless business transformation.

Starting a Business? Here are 8 Most Important First Steps
In order to ensure your new venture starts off on a solid course, you must be prepared to navigate the intricate web of business laws and regulations. In this blog post, we'll break down the first steps to consider when starting a business from a legal perspective, helping you establish a solid foundation for your dream business.

Michigan’s Labor Committee Considering Significant Changes to Employment Laws
New Michigan House of Representatives Bills to create changes for business operations and compliance. Explore the impending changes related to independent contractors, non-competes, wage disclosure, whistleblower protection, and confidential complaints.

Are You Ready For It? The Corporate Transparency Act Takes Effect January 2024.
The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is a federal law aimed at preventing financial crimes such as money laundering, tax evasion, and other illicit activities facilitated by anonymous shell companies. In this post, we provide you with an overview of the CTA, its implications, and how it will impact your business. We'll guide you through the key aspects of the act and help you prepare for the changes ahead.

The Top Five Contract Considerations for Business Owners
Business owners understand that contracts are the foundation of any successful business relationship. In this blog post, we'll explore the top five contract considerations that can significantly impact your business's success.

Collection in Commercial Litigation: Strategies for Business Debt and Contractual Disputes
This blog post delves into four key collection types in commercial litigation related to contract disputes in Michigan: breach of contract, promissory estoppel, unjust enrichment, and account stated. Understanding these collection methods can help businesses navigate contract-related disputes effectively.

Dealing With Independent Contractors: Pros, Cons, and Michigan's Standards
In this article, we'll delve into the pros and cons of independent contractors and provide an overview of Michigan's current standards for classification.

Do I Need an Operating Agreement for My Business? A Guide for Clients.
One crucial document in creating your business that if often overlooked is the operating agreement. This vital document can play a significant role in the success and stability of your business. In this blog post, we'll explore what an operating agreement is, why it's important, and how you can help your clients decide whether or not they need one.

Protecting Your Investment: The Benefits of Using a LLC for Rental Properties
One strategy that many real estate investors employ is the use of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Corporation to hold and manage their rental properties. In this blog post, we'll explore the legal benefits of placing your rental properties within an LLC or Corporation.

How to Register an Out-of-State Corporation in Michigan
In this blog post, we'll provide an overview of the legal requirements for foreign corporations looking to conduct business in Michigan.

Choosing the Right Business Entity for You: A Brief Overview
In this brief overview, we'll explore the most common business entity options, including Sole Proprietorship, General Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, S Corporations, C Corporations, and Professional Limited Liability Companies (PLLC), to help you make an informed decision that best aligns with your business goals.